NIXsolutions: Regulating AI Use in US Government

Five months ago, US President Joe Biden issued a decree to regulate AI development and implementation in government institutions. Today, the US Office of Management and Budget revealed policies aimed at overseeing AI usage in federal agencies. The focus is on ensuring citizen safety, transparency, and internal oversight of AI systems.


Ensuring Safety and Transparency

During a press conference, Vice President Kamala Harris emphasized the importance of ethical AI implementation. Three mandatory requirements were outlined for federal agencies. Firstly, agencies must ensure that AI tools used do not compromise citizens’ rights and safety by December 1, 2024. Failure to comply may lead to discontinuation of AI usage unless justified for critical operations. Safety criteria include maintaining election integrity, critical infrastructure security, autonomous vehicle operation, and robot control.

Secondly, agencies must be transparent in their AI usage, annually disclosing AI systems, associated risks, and risk management strategies. Transparency extends to disclosing AI model names, versions, and training datasets unless confidentiality is necessary to protect society or government interests.

Internal Oversight and Impact

The third requirement involves establishing internal oversight mechanisms. Each agency must appoint a chief AI specialist to oversee AI usage, with dedicated AI governance boards to be set up by May 27, 2024. The policy aims to phase out AI systems infringing on citizens’ rights while allowing safe use of generative AI through adequate protections and oversight.

Potential Impact and Opportunities

The adoption of new AI policies could affect existing procedures such as facial recognition and medical diagnosis. Despite risks, government agencies actively employ AI to enhance services, from predicting extreme weather to managing air traffic, notes NIXsolutions.

US government’s AI regulation policies prioritize safety, transparency, and oversight. When responsibly used, AI holds potential to improve public services and address societal challenges.

We’ll keep you updated on developments in AI regulation within the US government.