NIX Solutions: ICO Investigates Windows 11 Screenshot Feature

The UK’s independent data protection authority (ICO) has inquired about a new feature in Windows 11 that takes screenshots of the screen every few seconds. This Recall feature is set to be integrated into future Copilot Plus PCs.

NIX Solutions

According to the BBC, despite Microsoft’s assurances regarding the security and privacy of the feature, further research is necessary to assess the potential risks it poses to people’s rights and freedoms. Privacy campaigners have labeled Recall a potential “privacy nightmare.”

Microsoft has responded by stating that Recall is an optional feature, and users can limit the number of screenshots collected. Additionally, access to this data requires physical access to the device. However, experts are concerned that the constant screenshot activity could fundamentally alter people’s behavior, making them wary of visiting sensitive sites or viewing private information on their computers.

Privacy and Security Concerns

One significant concern is that Recall will not automatically censor screenshots containing passwords, bank card details, or other sensitive information. This means that anyone who gains physical access to the computer could potentially extract a wealth of personal information, as all previously taken screenshots are stored locally on the PC.

Beyond immediate privacy risks, experts worry that Microsoft could change its policies in the future, potentially using the collected data for commercial purposes such as targeted advertising or training other AI systems. This prospect adds another layer of concern for both privacy advocates and everyday users, adds NIX Solutions.

ICO’s Next Steps

Given these concerns, the ICO intends to closely examine Recall’s data protection measures and demand additional privacy guarantees from Microsoft before allowing the feature to be released to the public. The results of the ICO’s investigation will be made public shortly, and we’ll keep you updated on any developments.

Microsoft’s commitment to addressing these privacy issues will be crucial in determining the future of the Recall feature and its acceptance among users. As the situation evolves, stakeholders and users alike will be watching closely for the ICO’s findings and Microsoft’s responses.