NIXSolutions: Microsoft’s Upcoming Changes to Office Theme and Default Font

This September, Microsoft is set to unveil a fresh default theme for its Office applications, bringing in a range of new color schemes, styles, and outlines. Additionally, a notable alteration is on the horizon—the default font across Microsoft’s suite of office products will transition to Aptos, a decision announced by the software giant just last month.


Default Font Overhaul: A Shift in Tradition

For the first time since 2007, Microsoft is embarking on a shift of its default font in its office software lineup. This transformation encompasses key applications such as Word, Outlook, Excel, and PowerPoint. Once recognized as Bierstadt, Aptos was meticulously selected from five potential candidates in 2021 to succeed Calibri. The rationale behind this choice is its seamless integration with other impending modifications involving document styles and the default color palette.

Enhancing Readability with the New Default Theme

The forthcoming default theme aims to heighten the contrast and legibility of documents within Microsoft’s suite. One particularly noticeable alteration involves the transition from yellow to a deep green, coupled with a shift from light blue to dark turquoise. This calculated adjustment seeks to amplify the distinction between shapes and lines within the applications.

Styling Improvements for Word and Outlook

Word and Outlook, pivotal components of Microsoft’s Office suite, are poised to undergo style enhancements geared towards bolstering document readability and bestowing a more polished appearance. A spokesperson from Microsoft outlined that headings will adopt a more prominent and bold font, and the spacing between paragraphs will be increased.

Microsoft initiated testing of these modifications as part of its Microsoft 365 Insider program back in July of this year, reminds NIXSolutions. Presently, the software behemoth has announced that the refreshed theme and default font will be made available to all Microsoft 365 users come September. Nonetheless, an exact rollout date remains pending.